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‘Tis the season for giving … but where does it go? – Springfield News-Leader

Springfield News-Leader

‘Tis the season for giving … but where does it go?
Springfield News-Leader
“With the holidays upon us, we would like to know exactly where our well-intentioned donations are going … what percentage of ‘warm clothing’ donations actually reach needy individuals and how do the organizations distribute them?” asked Terri Reed


Lawmakers chip away at campaign finance rules in spending bill – CNN

Raw Story

Lawmakers chip away at campaign finance rules in spending bill
Related: Here’s what’s tucked in the spending bill. Watchdog groups see the move to chip away at the limits placed on donors as the latest step in a slow unraveling of the campaign finance rules put in place by landmark legislation like the McCain
Fundraising expansion slipped into spending deal could power financial Washington Post (blog)
Omnibus Bill Allows Wealthy Donors To Give Even More to Political PartiesHuffington Post
New spending bill allows wealthy donors to give more — lots more — to Raw Story

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Democrats Seek To Strip Big Hug For Rich Donors From Omnibus – Huffington Post

U.S. News & World Report

Democrats Seek To Strip Big Hug For Rich Donors From Omnibus
Huffington Post
the leader of the House Democrats, called for the provision to be pulled from the bill, along with another measure related to the deregulation of derivatives trading. “These provisions are destructive to middle class families and to the practice of our
Dem backlash throws spending bill in doubtWJXT Jacksonville
Deal to Avoid Government Shutdown Includes Victory for BanksBloomberg

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Campaign Finance Provisions Causing ‘Cromnibus’ Heartburn – Roll Call (blog)

Roll Call (blog)

Campaign Finance Provisions Causing ‘Cromnibus’ Heartburn
Roll Call (blog)
Because the provision specifically expands the amount donors can give to party accounts related to buildings, election recounts and conventions, rather than coordinated spending, she suspects the empowerment of K Street would be “even stronger.”.

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Dem backlash throws spending bill in doubt – WXII The Triad

WXII The Triad

Dem backlash throws spending bill in doubt
WXII The Triad
The top concerns from Democrats center on a proposal to ease banking regulations in the Dodd-Frank law and a measure that would allow wealthy donors to give considerably more money to the political parties. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said the
Lawmakers chip away at campaign finance rules in spending bill We have a CNN
Democrats Balk at Funding Bill’s Bank Plan as Deadline NearsBusinessweek
Government shutdown likely averted as Congress reaches spending dealVox
Worcester Telegram
all 1,830 news articles »

Campaign Finance Provisions Causing Cromnibus Heartburn – Roll Call (blog)

Roll Call (blog)

Campaign Finance Provisions Causing Cromnibus Heartburn
Roll Call (blog)
When the GOP takes control of Congress in January, McConnell will continue to “eviscerate” all the legal restraints around party donations, she predicted. Because the provision specifically expands the amount donors can give to party accounts related

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