All posts by Related Donors - Google News


Should judges be allowed to ask lawyers for campaign donations? Issue headed … –

Should judges be allowed to ask lawyers for campaign donations? Issue headed
But the U.S. Supreme Court is poised to hear a case out of Florida challenging those types of ethics bans related to a 2009 case in which “a county judicial candidate was fined nearly $1,900 for signing her name to a fundraising letter,” according to

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Rick Perry, hungry for redemption, says he’s a ‘substantially different’ candidate – Washington Post

Washington Post

Rick Perry, hungry for redemption, says he’s a ‘substantially different’ candidate
Washington Post
Perry also is courting funders. He knows it could cost $100 million or more to win the GOP primary and he will be at a disadvantage relative to 2012, when he controlled the governor’s office and thousands of related political appointments. This month’s

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News roundup: GOP donors plan to anoint candidate ahead of the primaries – Salt Lake Tribune

News roundup: GOP donors plan to anoint candidate ahead of the primaries
Salt Lake Tribune
The Republican Party’s top donors are a tad worried about an elongated primary season that could only help Hillary Clinton and are discussing ways to “anoint” a GOP nominee early to avoid contests that would beat up their candidate before the general.

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Detroit’s Museum of Masterworks Shoulders $350 Million Burden – Bloomberg


Detroit’s Museum of Masterworks Shoulders $350 Million Burden
said Mariam Noland, president of the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan, one of the donors to the bankruptcy agreement. “That would never have gone away.” …. For Related News and Information: Detroit Bankruptcy Plan Approval Opens New Stage

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Bankhead pleads guilty in Boys & Girls Club theft, forgery – Times Record News

Times Record News

Bankhead pleads guilty in Boys & Girls Club theft, forgery
Times Record News
A July 18, 2013 article said Bankhead was arrested a second time for forgery charges related to the same investigation. The club reported to police $77,189 had been missing since 2008, of which $38,245.25 was in the … “Since the discovery, the

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GOP Donors Seek to Anoint a 2016 Nominee Early – New York Times

New York Times

GOP Donors Seek to Anoint a 2016 Nominee Early
New York Times
Dozens of the Republican Party’s leading presidential donors and fund-raisers have begun privately discussing how to clear the field for a single establishment candidate to carry the party’s banner in 2016, fearing that a prolonged primary would
GOP donors discuss crowning a candidateHonolulu Star-Advertiser
GOP Funders Seek to Coalesce Behind Single Mainstream 2016 CandidateJP Updates

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Corrupt Chinese could be making political donations – Labour – The Dominion Post

Corrupt Chinese could be making political donations – Labour
The Dominion Post
There were no “explicit” background checks but Goodfellow confirmed a “small number” of donations had been rejected by National for various reasons – though none were related to the Chinese corruption scandal. “We generally know our funders because …

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