All posts by Related Donors - Google News


Community Foundation survey to identify needs of seniors in the Birmingham area –

Community Foundation survey to identify needs of seniors in the Birmingham area
“One of Dr. Johnson’s key messages related to the ‘silver tsunami’ poised to hit our country and how this population of older adults will present new challenges to the Birmingham community,” says Nanni. “This fall, thanks to the generous support of our


Pop Quiz: When You Buy a Goat from World Vision, Who Gets the Goat … – Patheos (blog)

Pop Quiz: When You Buy a Goat from World Vision, Who Gets the Goat
Patheos (blog)
We use the slightly broader categories because it’s nearly impossible to encourage the exact number of donations to match the exact need for specific animals in our programs, but it’s still critical that we honor our donors‘ intentions with their gifts


Children who are prostituted aren’t criminals. So why do we keep putting them … – Washington Post

Children who are prostituted aren’t criminals. So why do we keep putting them
Washington Post
Only 12 states have “Safe Harbor” laws that prohibit the arrest of children for prostitution-related crimes. This week, Washington D.C. joined the group, passing the Sex … and services whenever police encounter a potential child trafficking situation

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