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Group seeks to end Iowans’ wait for organ transplants –

Group seeks to end Iowans’ wait for organ transplants
RELATED:Emily’s gratitude is a gift she gave others. In November, Iowa reached a five-year low in the number of people on the transplant wait list, said Tony Hakes, public outreach manager at Iowa Donor Network. Iowa is also one of the few states in


Does Britain really want to be the country nobody would migrate to? – The Guardian

The Guardian

Does Britain really want to be the country nobody would migrate to?
The Guardian
But those two things are, necessarily, related: he told me how much a kilo of sugar was, and how long you’d have to wait for a bus. He said some things were better, but overall, life was quite hard. In fact, I was writing about feminism in Europe, and


President Obama Single-Handedly Protects Americans’ Health and Combats … – PoliticusUSA

President Obama Single-Handedly Protects Americans’ Health and Combats
Republicans and their fossil fuel-related industry donors immediately decried, loudly, the President using the authority granted him by the “Act” that has been touted as the most “powerful environmental law in the entire world.” An act, by the way