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Undaunted by District Attorney’s Investigation, Republicans Found a Way to Win … – Daily Signal

Daily Signal

Undaunted by District Attorney’s Investigation, Republicans Found a Way to Win
Daily Signal
“We spent, but we didn’t spend like we did in the last couple of cycles, and I believe a good part of that was related to the John Doe investigation,” one source, whose organization has been targeted in the probe and is still afraid to speak out, said


Why Elizabeth Warren and Rand Paul offer glimmers of hope — but not for 2016 – Salon


Why Elizabeth Warren and Rand Paul offer glimmers of hope — but not for 2016
She has fully come around to the hawkish pro-Israel foreign policy required of all elected Democrats, and has made only measured criticisms of the Obama administration on NSA spying, the Edward Snowden case and related national-security questions

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The death of working-class politics: How the wealthy conquered Congress and … – Salon


The death of working-class politics: How the wealthy conquered Congress and
It’s increasingly clear that descriptive representation matters, particularly as related to race and gender. Political Scientists Robert R. Preuhs and Eric Gonzalez Juenke find that black and Hispanic legislators are more responsive to the interests of


Brazilian Probe Into Petrobras Sparks Worries Over Olympics – Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

Brazilian Probe Into Petrobras Sparks Worries Over Olympics
Wall Street Journal
Odebrecht and Queiroz Galvão say they didn’t break any laws related to Petrobras nor the Olympics. OAS didn’t … Brazil’s construction companies, which are major donors to political campaigns, are frequently criticized for having cozy ties to the

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