All posts by Unrelated Donors - Google News


Secretive funds allow Michigan lawmakers to accept corporate cash –

Secretive funds allow Michigan lawmakers to accept corporate cash
Both Jones and Richardville say the donations were unrelated to legislation. “They’re never connected. I know that people would be skeptical of that. However, the people that were in charge of raising funds were not in charge of legislation,” said

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‘Life is better with just one kidney’, organ donor says – Times of Malta

Times of Malta

‘Life is better with just one kidney’, organ donor says
Times of Malta
Since Mr Muscat’s donation, there have been a handful of other unrelated donations and he hopes the number would rise because the change he saw in organ receivers was “a small miracle”. “Some might be sceptical but the support group has seen several …

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Uterus transplants from live donors are first in US – CBS News

CBS News

Uterus transplants from live donors are first in US
CBS News
Womb donors can be alive or deceased. The Baylor study aims to use some of both. The first four cases involved “altruistic” donorsunrelated and unknown to the recipients, a hospital spokesman said. The ones performed in Sweden were from live donors
Exclusive: 4 Breakthrough Uterus Transplants Performed in the USTIME
Baylor Online Newsroom : Uterine Transplant Clinical Trial Update – Oct. 5, 2016Baylor Online Newsroom – Baylor Health Care System

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