All posts by Unrelated Donors - Google News


Silsden young farmers complete Great Yorkshire Run for Anthony Nolan charity – Craven Herald

Craven Herald

Silsden young farmers complete Great Yorkshire Run for Anthony Nolan charity
Craven Herald
Thankfully Stephanie’s brother was a match for their mum, but two in three people who need a transplant will not have a matching donor in their family and will have to rely on finding an unrelated donor through the charity. While Georgina and Becky, 35


DATRI brings an unrelated blood stem cell donor and recipient together – Business Standard

DATRI brings an unrelated blood stem cell donor and recipient together
Business Standard
DATRI, India’s largest adult unrelated Blood Stem Cell Donors Registry, organized a very special event on Friday at YMCA conference hall in Delhi, to celebrate the blood stem cell donor Akash Grover, a 29 year old who not just saved life of Manju

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Cord-blood transplants show promise in leukemia treatment – News … – WDEF News 12

WDEF News 12

Cord-blood transplants show promise in leukemia treatment – News …
WDEF News 12
Bone marrow or stem cell transplants can save the lives of adults and children with leukemia, but an ideal donor often isn’t available. In those cases, umbilical …
Cord-blood transplants show promise in leukaemia treatmentPakistan Observer

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