All posts by Unrelated Donors - Google News


Cord-Blood Transplants Show Promise for Leukemia – WebMD


Cord-Blood Transplants Show Promise for Leukemia
If a compatible bone marrow or stem cell transplant from an unrelated donor wasn’t available, the patients got either a cord-blood transplant or an incompatible bone marrow or stem cell transplant from an unrelated donor, Milano said. “Our study showed
Cord-blood transplants could be new answer for cancer patientsThe Seattle Times
Cord Blood HSCT Better for High-Risk Leukemia PatientsMedscape
Cord-Blood Transplant Shows Potential As Leukemia TreatmentTech Times
Fred Hutch News Service –New England Journal of Medicine
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Stem cell transplant program targets racial disparities – Greenville News

Greenville News

Stem cell transplant program targets racial disparities
Greenville News
“About 25 percent of patients have a matched sibling,” he said. “But 75 percent don’t so they require an unrelated donor.” Improving the odds. Because there are so many more Caucasians than minorities on the National Marrow Donor registry, a certain …

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Cord blood transplant associated with high survival rate in high-risk leukemia patients – EurekAlert (press release)

Cord blood transplant associated with high survival rate in high-risk leukemia patients
EurekAlert (press release)
The study describes results from patients who have received stem cell transplants from cord blood or from unrelated adult donors. The researchers reviewed outcomes for 582 patients who received stem cell transplants from 2006, when the institute’s Cord …

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Arizona blood bank prepares to test donations for Zika –

Arizona blood bank prepares to test donations for Zika
“Every donor who comes in to give blood is shown a special sheet that they’re asked to review and (it) has a list of all the impacted countries,” Thew said. “Should that person have traveled to one of those areas, we automatically implement the testing

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Hillary Clinton on the last night of the Democratic National Convention, Philadelphia, July 2016 – The New York Review of Books

The New York Review of Books

Hillary Clinton on the last night of the Democratic National Convention, Philadelphia, July 2016
The New York Review of Books
Having called Hillary Clinton the “puppet” of “big business, elite media and major donors,” all relying on her to maintain a “rigged system” from which they profited, he offered his own person as a secular savior. “Nobody knows the system better
And they’re off!Fox News
The Daily 202: White Catholics struggle to get on board the Trump trainWashington Post

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