All posts by Unrelated Donors - Google News


Ballot measure committees are new cash cows for Sacramento legislators – LA Daily News

LA Daily News

Ballot measure committees are new cash cows for Sacramento legislators
LA Daily News
Feng said the reason the committees have become so popular in recent years is that donors who wish to support a state lawmaker’s campaign must abide by strict contribution limits that voters imposed at the ballot box in 2000 when they passed

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Bone Marrow vs Bloodstream: Stem Cell Source Influences Transplantation Outcomes – Oncology Nurse Advisor

Oncology Nurse Advisor

Bone Marrow vs Bloodstream: Stem Cell Source Influences Transplantation Outcomes
Oncology Nurse Advisor
“Results of this study set bone marrow as the standard source of stem cells for transplantation from unrelated donors,” said Claudio Anasetti, chair of the Department of Blood and Marrow Transplantation at Moffitt Cancer Center, and senior author of

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Top Clinton campaign donors frequently backed foundation – Washington Examiner (blog)

Fox News

Top Clinton campaign donors frequently backed foundation
Washington Examiner (blog)
Many of the most generous donors to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign are also donors to the Clinton Foundation, undermining the Democratic nominee’s argument that the work of her family’s charity is wholly unrelated to her political ambitions.
Trump Calls for Special Prosecutor to Probe Clinton Foundation, State Department TiesU.S. News & World Report
Emails reveal Clinton aide gave foundation donors ‘special’ access, group saysFox News
Clinton Foundation Staffer Sought Access To State On Behalf Of Donor, New Email ShowsBuzzFeed News
The News Tribune –Judicial Watch
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