All posts by Unrelated Donors - Google News


Report: How little-regulated accounts offer a path to political clout in Sacramento – Marin Independent Journal

Marin Independent Journal

Report: How little-regulated accounts offer a path to political clout in Sacramento
Marin Independent Journal
Feng said the reason the committees have become so popular in recent years is that donors who wish to support a state lawmaker’s campaign must abide by strict contribution limits that voters imposed at the ballot box in 2000 when they passed

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The Latest: Trump arrives in Louisiana to tour flood areas – Daily Journal Online

Daily Journal Online

The Latest: Trump arrives in Louisiana to tour flood areas
Daily Journal Online
9:30 a.m.. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is making his first visit to Minnesota this campaign, but not for any public appearance. Trump was set to meet with wealthy Republican donors Friday evening to raise money, and doesn’t plan to

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Privacy hawks pounce on NSA hack – Politico


Privacy hawks pounce on NSA hack
“The massive data breach that drove the DNC’s chairwoman out the door has now swept up the party’s biggest donors too, their Social Security numbers and personal information compromised by hackers and forcing fundraisers to spend money to protect
Equation Group: The Crown Creator of Cyber-Espionage | Kaspersky LabKaspersky Lab
The Equation Giveaway – SecurelistSecurelist
Shadow Brokers: NSA Exploits of the Week — MediumMedium
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