All posts by Unrelated Donors - Google News


Brampton Civic works with Canadian Blood Services to help patients find stem cell match – Brampton Guardian

Brampton Guardian

Brampton Civic works with Canadian Blood Services to help patients find stem cell match
Brampton Guardian
Hundreds of patients are in need of unrelated stem cell donors at any given time, but only 50 per cent are able to find a match. This can be even more challenging in ethnically diverse areas, making collection efforts at the Civic –which serves a


Jet-setting, galas, shopping sprees: Indictment challenges Corrine Brown’s working-class image – Florida Times-Union

Jet-setting, galas, shopping sprees: Indictment challenges Corrine Brown’s working-class image
Florida Times-Union
A little more than a week ago — over Brown’s objections — federal prosecutors forced her to fly back to Jacksonville to face indictment on 22 charges that she and a group of co-conspirators, including her longtime chief of staff, defrauded donors out

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As a second kidney racket is unearthed in two months, are hospitals getting away too lightly? –

As a second kidney racket is unearthed in two months, are hospitals getting away too lightly?
As per the law, in hospitals conducting more than 25 transplants in a year, the hospitals’ authorisation committees should regulate all transplants involving unrelated individuals and donations from foreigners. When the donors are Indian blood