All posts by Unrelated Donors - Google News


IRS Commissioner Skips His Own Impeachment Hearing — Says He ‘Never Sought’ Position Anyway – The Inquisitr

The Inquisitr

IRS Commissioner Skips His Own Impeachment Hearing — Says He ‘Never Sought’ Position Anyway
The Inquisitr
Internal Revenue Service commissioner John Koskinen responded to the House Republican movement to have him impeached by saying he “never sought” the position in a written statement, The Washington Examiner is reporting. “I have great respect for …

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Lawyers shower campaign money on 12th District candidate who is the son of chief judge – The Southern

The Southern

Lawyers shower campaign money on 12th District candidate who is the son of chief judge
The Southern
… judge’s son, he’s going to like you, and if you don’t, he won’t,” said Belleville City Clerk Dallas Cook, a Republican who is running for 20th Judicial Circuit clerk and is suing to get Judge Baricevic removed from a judicial ballot this year in an

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Sanders forces ‘want a head:’ Wasserman Schultz – Eureka Gardens plays the Castro card on Rubio – Maximus picks … – Politico

Sanders forces ‘want a head:’ Wasserman Schultz – Eureka Gardens plays the Castro card on Rubio – Maximus picks
The two seemingly unrelated events are actually quite intertwined.” … NON-COMMIE CASTRO — “Julian Castro rallies Democrats at first ‘swing state’ gala,” by POLITICO Florida’s Matt Dixon: Florida Democratic donors and activists

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Effects Of Obesity: How Does Being Overweight Cause Diseases In Tissues, Organs Unrelated To Fat? – Medical Daily

Medical Daily

Effects Of Obesity: How Does Being Overweight Cause Diseases In Tissues, Organs Unrelated To Fat?
Medical Daily
“Most tissue sampling is invasive, but we were able to use [a] dataset of tissues from autopsy donors, and therefore sample a far wider range than is usually possible,” Tukiainen said in a press release. “This is the first time that such changes in

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How Maryland’s unclaimed dead become body donors by circumstance – So Md News (subscription)

How Maryland’s unclaimed dead become body donors by circumstance
So Md News (subscription)
“No funeral home or crematory would possibly rely on this new proposal and recognize a completely new and unrelated person claiming a right of disposition that would overrule and replace the spouse, children, or other close relatives,” James Doyle, …