All posts by Unrelated Donors - Google News


Morning Report: School Board Trustee Urged Against State Tests – Voice of San Diego

Voice of San Diego

Morning Report: School Board Trustee Urged Against State Tests
Voice of San Diego
In a new op-ed, the chair of the bond oversight committee for Sweetwater Unified argues trustees should have laser focus on students rather than unrelated career goals or politics. “The focus has to be on … In his regular politics column, Keatts


Koch network reserves $30 million in Senate ad buys – Politico


Koch network reserves $30 million in Senate ad buys
… face of disappointing results and concerns about damage to the brothers’ multinational industrial conglomerate Koch Industries. The story caused a major buzz in Republican finance circles, with some fundraisers predicting that donors would reduce
Trying to Figure Out the Intent and Impact of Political AdsWOSU Public Media

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Donald Trump’s emergence hasn’t boosted fundraising for Republican National Convention –

Donald Trump’s emergence hasn’t boosted fundraising for Republican National Convention
This may reflect surprise among traditional individual and corporate donors over the race’s sudden resolution, as well as unresolved controversy over Trump’s unique candidacy. “We’ve had some discussions on it as things become more clear from a

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Trying to Figure Out the Intent and Impact of Political Ads – WOSU Public Media

WOSU Public Media

Trying to Figure Out the Intent and Impact of Political Ads
WOSU Public Media
Others – often referred to as dark-money groups — qualify under IRS codes for educational charities to keep their donors and spending more secret. On the GOP side alone, ads from outside groups – as opposed to the candidates themselves — are up more …

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Political attack ads play on the subconscious, make some stay home – Akron Beacon Journal

Political attack ads play on the subconscious, make some stay home
Akron Beacon Journal
Others — often referred to as dark-money groups — qualify under IRS codes for educational charities to keep donors and spending more secret. On the GOP side alone, ads from outside groups — as opposed to the candidates themselves — are up more than

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Cuomo Campaign’s Role in Scrutinized Senate Races Comes Into Focus – New York Times

New York Times

Cuomo Campaign’s Role in Scrutinized Senate Races Comes Into Focus
New York Times
Prosecutors involved in the investigation interpret the statute, which has never been tested in court, to mean that it is also a felony under state election law to solicit donations in order to avoid contribution limits, people briefed on the matter

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