All posts by Unrelated Donors - Google News


Government policy never influenced by Liberal donors: Wynne – The Globe and Mail

The Globe and Mail

Government policy never influenced by Liberal donors: Wynne
The Globe and Mail
“We have very clear processes in place for making those decisions around policy,” Ms. Wynne said following an unrelated event at the MaRS building in Toronto Wednesday .”We’re changing the rules on fundraising and political donations. And, you know …

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Fort McMurray fire shows which disasters spark our empathy: Timson – Toronto Star

Toronto Star

Fort McMurray fire shows which disasters spark our empathy: Timson
Toronto Star
Almost overnight, in the twinkling of a text — “fire” — or the clicking on a blinking “donate now” button we have swiftly come up with more than $50 million for Fort McMurray, Alta., wildfire victims, up to 90,000 of whom were evacuated last week

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DE BLASIO’s ethics watchdog dare — SUCCESS docs assess threats to model — ‘Secret’ CENTRAL PARK revival – Politico


DE BLASIO’s ethics watchdog dare — SUCCESS docs assess threats to model — ‘Secret’ CENTRAL PARK revival
‘When an entity goes beyond its legal purview, possibly for the wrong motivations, there’s a point at which you say, enough is enough,’ de Blasio said Tuesday at an unrelated press conference in City Hall. De Blasio’s comments echoed …. He isn’t an

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De Blasio on JCOPE: ‘If they want to go to court, we can go to court’ – Capital New York

Capital New York

De Blasio on JCOPE: ‘If they want to go to court, we can go to court’
Capital New York
… Mayor Bill de Blasio on Tuesday sharply criticized the state’s Joint Commission on Public Ethics, the state oversight body that on Monday filed a motion in State Supreme Court seeking a judge’s ruling to force a non-profit de Blasio started to

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Utah prosecutor wants grand jury probe of Harry Reid, Mike Lee, feds, others – Salt Lake Tribune

Salt Lake Tribune

Utah prosecutor wants grand jury probe of Harry Reid, Mike Lee, feds, others
Salt Lake Tribune
However, the FEC filed a complaint in federal court that accuses Johnson and Swallow of violating election laws by using the straw donors to provide $50,000 to Lee’s campaign. Johnson also had contributed or arranged for donations of $20,000 to Reid’s …

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