All posts by Unrelated Donors - Google News


Virus-specific T-cell banks for ‘off the shelf’ adoptive therapy of refractory infections –

Virus-specific T-cell banks for ‘off the shelf’ adoptive therapy of refractory infections
Adoptive immunotherapy with transplant donor-derived virus-specific T cells has emerged as a potentially curative approach for the treatment of drug-refractory EBV+lymphomas as well as CMV and adenovirus infections complicating allogeneic hematopoietic


John Oliver Slams Congressional Fundraising Efforts as ‘Sh*tty Telemarketing Operations’ – Mediaite


John Oliver Slams Congressional Fundraising Efforts as ‘Sh*tty Telemarketing Operations’
Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy even admitted that out of all of the hours spent on cold-calling potential donors, many of them have “fundamentally different problems” than the majority of the electorate, since calls were always aimed at donors

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EU Regulatory Panel Recommends Approval Of Glaxo’s Gene Therapy For Bubble Boy Disease – Tech Times

Tech Times

EU Regulatory Panel Recommends Approval Of Glaxo’s Gene Therapy For Bubble Boy Disease
Tech Times
Patients whose stem cell donor is their genetically matched sibling usually have good rates of survival and recovery. However, those whose donors are unrelated to them typically have poor outcomes. This is because of the high risk of developing graft

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Banbury businessman appeals to mixed race residents to become lifesaving stem cell donors – Banbury Guardian

Banbury Guardian

Banbury businessman appeals to mixed race residents to become lifesaving stem cell donors
Banbury Guardian
Tommy’s mixed heritage makes it extremely hard to find a donor as matching stem cell tissue types are inherited. Mixed race people like Tommy have less than a 20 per cent chance of finding an unrelated match, as do individuals who are black or from a …