All posts by Unrelated Donors - Google News


NATIONAL PARKS: Jarvis’ proposal opens gates wider for philanthropy – Environment & Energy Publishing

NATIONAL PARKS: Jarvis’ proposal opens gates wider for philanthropy
Environment & Energy Publishing
“In some cases, however, the context of the proposed donation may be sufficiently removed from the litigation that it will not appear to be an attempt to influence the litigation. For example, a donor may propose a donation to the NPS that is unrelated


Loudoun sheriff cleared of wrongdoing with emails, financial reporting in reelection campaign – Washington Post

Washington Post

Loudoun sheriff cleared of wrongdoing with emails, financial reporting in reelection campaign
Washington Post
According to Chapman, in 2014 he learned from emails in an unrelated case that Noble, then still one of Chapman’s commanders, might launch a run for the sheriff’s job in 2015. Noble had been emailing with a former Loudoun sheriff’s major, Ricky Frye

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