All posts by Unrelated Donors - Google News


Victims of contaminated blood scandal face major cut to payments from government – The Guardian

The Guardian

Victims of contaminated blood scandal face major cut to payments from government
The Guardian
In the 1970s and 1980s these were imported from the US where donors were paid – a practice that increased the risk of unsuitable blood – because there was a severe shortage of clotting factors in the UK at the time. Donors in both countries included


Bee gene bank; excessive speeding rises; teacher misconduct – Arizona Daily Star

Arizona Daily Star

Bee gene bank; excessive speeding rises; teacher misconduct
Arizona Daily Star
The loss of the Charley’s job (which was unrelated to his condition) gave him the opportunity to refocus his career. Bethany first suggested massage therapy, but DeLong didn’t act on it right away. In time, though, he followed through, mindful that

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Trump Says He’d Consider Bill Pryor for Supreme Court, AG Who Prosecuted ‘Ten Commandments’ Judge – Christian News Network

Christian News Network

Trump Says He’d Consider Bill Pryor for Supreme Court, AG Who Prosecuted ‘Ten Commandments’ Judge
Christian News Network
“The defunding law excludes Planned Parenthood from Medicaid for a reason unrelated to its fitness to provide medical services, violating its patients’ statutory right to obtain medical care from the qualified provider of their choice,” Sykes wrote

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That Super PAC Clinton Distanced Herself From Last Night? It’s About to Spend $4.5 Million on Her. – Slate Magazine (blog)

Slate Magazine (blog)

That Super PAC Clinton Distanced Herself From Last Night? It’s About to Spend $4.5 Million on Her.
Slate Magazine (blog)
Hillary has even personally courted donors herself, as has her campaign chairman, John Podesta, and her husband, Bill Clinton. Priorities USA is very much Hillary’s super PAC despite what … In completely unrelated news, shortly after Clinton lost New

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