All posts by Unrelated Donors - Google News


Analysis: Trump’s Hilton Head speech illustrates the power of a new politics – The State

The State

Analysis: Trump’s Hilton Head speech illustrates the power of a new politics
The State
His most recent filing with the Federal Election Commission shows that most of the campaign’s income is from donors, not Trump. Through September, the campaign reported $3.9 million in individual contributions. He gave about $105,000 to the campaign

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Breaking down a Trump speech: His words show the power of a new politics – McClatchy Washington Bureau

Breaking down a Trump speech: His words show the power of a new politics
McClatchy Washington Bureau
His most recent filing with the Federal Election Commission shows that most of the campaign’s income is from donors, not Trump. Through September, the campaign reported $3.9 million in individual contributions. He gave about $105,000 to the campaign


Why Does Bronx Old-Age Home Funnel Millions to Ultra-Orthodox Groups? – Forward


Why Does Bronx Old-Age Home Funnel Millions to Ultra-Orthodox Groups?
Experts say that it is extremely unusual for a not-for-profit assisted living facility to make large grants to unrelated charities. “I’ve never heard of a nursing home or assisted living, or any care organization, paying out that much,” said David

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Exeter mum’s desperate appeal for bone marrow donor – Exeter Express and Echo

Exeter Express and Echo

Exeter mum’s desperate appeal for bone marrow donor
Exeter Express and Echo
… eight and seven. “I’m that one out of 10 people they can’t find a match for. “They have tested my mum and son, but they are only a 50 per cent match. What they are ideally looking for is an 80 per cent or above match. Unrelated donors have a lot


Analysis: Trump’s Hilton Head speech illustrates the power of a new politics – Island Packet

Island Packet

Analysis: Trump’s Hilton Head speech illustrates the power of a new politics
Island Packet
His most recent filing with the Federal Election Commission shows that most of the campaign’s income is from donors, not Trump. Through September, the campaign reported $3.9 million in individual contributions. He gave about $105,000 to the campaign

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POLITICO New York Playbook, presented by Nuclear Matters: WENDY LONG contemplates SCHUMER ‘mountain … – Politico

POLITICO New York Playbook, presented by Nuclear Matters: WENDY LONG contemplates SCHUMER ‘mountain
PERFECT TIMING — Ickes donated to de Blasio as Ickes’ client sought city permit — NYT’s Michael Grynbaum: “Harold M. Ickes, a longtime friend and mentor of Mayor Bill de Blasio, delivered about $13,000 in donations last week to the mayor’s re

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