All posts by Unrelated Donors - Google News


Give and take: When the profit motive clouds milk donation – Mail & Guardian Online

Mail & Guardian Online

Give and take: When the profit motive clouds milk donation
Mail & Guardian Online
At eight weeks, Austin died of an unrelated infection, but Bryan was so grateful for the donor milk her sons had received that she donated her own excess milk to the Texas Children’s Mothers’ Milk Bank. “There’s just a nice feeling,” she says, “because


Purdue football facilities upgrades designed to help Hazell win – Indianapolis Star

Indianapolis Star

Purdue football facilities upgrades designed to help Hazell win
Indianapolis Star
This project and Hazell’s status as the head coach are unrelated, Burke said. Hazell has been an active participant in what the …. Burke believes others, whether it be former players, alumni or donors, are eager to help. “There are people out there

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Ethics Commission opinion could affect Paxton defense costs – Houston Chronicle

Houston Chronicle

Ethics Commission opinion could affect Paxton defense costs
Houston Chronicle
… to be used for campaign purposes, experts said. In mid-July, a law firm representing an unnamed state official asked the Texas Ethics Commission whether it would be legal under state gift-giving laws for its client to receive a “benefit” from a

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Benghazi Biopsy: A Comprehensive Guide to One of America’s Worst Political … – Newsweek


Benghazi Biopsy: A Comprehensive Guide to One of America’s Worst Political
The Virginia GOP held a “Beyond Benghazi” fundraiser where donors had to pay $75 to attend and $5,000 to sponsor the event. A blog post before the 2014 election by the National Republican Senate … The congressman persisted with his incorrect
Hillary Clinton Campaign Raising Money off Benghazi Committee Testimonywwntradio

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