All posts by Unrelated Donors - Google News


Registry drives scheduled in effort to find match for Leif Voeltz – Mount Shasta Herald

Mount Shasta Herald

Registry drives scheduled in effort to find match for Leif Voeltz
Mount Shasta Herald
They’re asking people to donate blood or platelets in Leif’s name. “We think that we oldsters will get more blood donors than the whippersnappers can get for the bone marrow donation registration,” Harch said. If you donate before Nov. 11 you can get


Tinie Tempah joins celebs for ACLT’s #Donate4Daniel campaign – The Voice Online

The Voice Online

Tinie Tempah joins celebs for ACLT’s #Donate4Daniel campaign
The Voice Online
Daniel, the son of ACLT founders Beverly De-Gale and husband Orin Lewis, got a successful bone marrow transplant in 1999, becoming the first black person in Britain to get such help from an unrelated donor. He spent years helping his parents raise


That Time Ted Cruz Wrote A 16-Page Love Letter To George W. Bush – BuzzFeed News

BuzzFeed News

That Time Ted Cruz Wrote A 16-Page Love Letter To George W. Bush
BuzzFeed News
When the former president announced his distaste for the Texas senator to a roomful of Republican donors Sunday — reportedly telling the crowd, “I just don’t like the guy” — Cruz responded by saying he had “great respect” for Bush and had “no

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