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Mercury News editorial: Jerry Brown vetoes show he’s no fan of open government – San Jose Mercury News

Mercury News editorial: Jerry Brown vetoes show he’s no fan of open government
San Jose Mercury News
It provides a poison pill: Any local government that adopts such transparency ordinances will be laden with unworkable and unrelated requirements for contracting out for goods and services. Brown’s approval ensures that government officials dependent
Editorial: Brown lets state float further towards secrecyTheReporter.Com

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Democrats Are Godless Heathen Tyrant Maniacs Because That’s What Voters Want –

Democrats Are Godless Heathen Tyrant Maniacs Because That’s What Voters Want
Just “the rich” who aren’t Democrat politicians, or Democrat donors like Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase, or union leaders, or Planned Parenthood executives, or Hollywood liberals, or university administrators, or any other group comprised mainly of

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Oakland Tribune editorial: Brown lets state float further toward shoals of secrecy – Contra Costa Times

Oakland Tribune editorial: Brown lets state float further toward shoals of secrecy
Contra Costa Times
The bill provides a poison pill: Any local government that adopts such transparency ordinances will be laden with unworkable and unrelated requirements for contracting out for goods and services. Brown’s approval of SB 331 ensures that government