All posts by Unrelated Donors - Google News


Clinton Global Initiative Shows Signs of Waning Appeal – Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

Clinton Global Initiative Shows Signs of Waning Appeal
Wall Street Journal
Despite the hopes of Clinton Global Initiative planners, the announcement didn’t come at their annual New York conference, but rather in California at an unrelated event. Both men had been invited to the conference, according to a planning … The

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Non-Profit Failed Freddie Gray’s Neighborhood, Still Gets HUD Millions – Daily Caller

Daily Caller

Non-Profit Failed Freddie Gray’s Neighborhood, Still Gets HUD Millions
Daily Caller
Meanwhile, any improvements Sandtown-Winchester saw were likely unrelated to the revitalization effort, if not all together failures, according to a 2013 Abell Foundation report. Charles R. Werhane is listed as an Enterprise “trustee” on tax forms, but

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California lawmaker turns ‘juice’ into campaign cash – San Francisco Chronicle (subscription)

San Francisco Chronicle (subscription)

California lawmaker turns ‘juice’ into campaign cash
San Francisco Chronicle (subscription)
Black, the horse-racing lobbyist who gave $500 to Hall’s congressional campaign, said her donation is unrelated to the business she has before his committee. She pointed out that she has donated to several congressional campaigns across party lines.


New York Blood Center Announces New Collaboration to Foster Groundbreaking … – PR Newswire (press release)

New York Blood Center Announces New Collaboration to Foster Groundbreaking
PR Newswire (press release)
Drs. Wernet and Schöler said: “This exciting international collaboration of symbiotic partners towards Advanced Regenerative Medicines from unrelated cord blood donors is a very important step towards our joint objective: the establishment of an HLA …

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