All posts by Unrelated Donors - Google News


How Huma Abedin operated at the center of the Clinton universe – Chicago Tribune

Chicago Tribune

How Huma Abedin operated at the center of the Clinton universe
Chicago Tribune
Seated around the tables were donors to Hillary Clinton’s campaigns as well as to the Clinton Foundation, where Abedin was a contractor preparing for Clinton’s eventual transition to the charity. And Clinton, who was also paying Abedin out of personal
Hillary’s ethanol flip-flop reveals a Democratic sclerosis on cronyismWashington Examiner

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How Huma Abedin operated at the center of the Clinton universe – Washington Post

How Huma Abedin operated at the center of the Clinton universe
Washington Post
Seated around the tables were donors to Hillary Clinton’s campaigns as well as to the Clinton Foundation, where Abedin was a contractor preparing for Clinton’s eventual transition to the charity. And Clinton, who was also paying Abedin out of personal

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Hillary’s ethanol flip-flop reveals a Democratic sclerosis on cronyism – Washington Examiner

Hillary’s ethanol flip-flop reveals a Democratic sclerosis on cronyism
Washington Examiner
But the need for lobbyist money, big business money and — not unrelated — the approval of party leadership prompted many Republicans to hold their nose and back corporate welfare. (Many others frankly enjoyed the smell, … In recent years, though

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In report to Congress, Planned Parenthood says videos are deceptive – CNN


In report to Congress, Planned Parenthood says videos are deceptive
… appearance of seamless conversations. “In some cases, these splices completely change the meaning of statements,” the report said. “Phrases on the video were isolated and removed, stringing together unrelated sentences to change the meaning
Planned Parenthood strikes back against videosWDSU New Orleans

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‘A chance to hope’: Leukemia survivor, family reunite with favorite doctor – Fred Hutch News Service

Fred Hutch News Service

‘A chance to hope’: Leukemia survivor, family reunite with favorite doctor
Fred Hutch News Service
Cord blood donors can be identified for nearly all patients in need of a bone marrow transplant – including patients who can’t find even one unrelated, adult donor in the pool of some 20 million people who have joined bone marrow donor registries


Democrats who matter are still certain where to place their bets for 2016 – Dallas Morning News (blog)

Dallas Morning News (blog)

Democrats who matter are still certain where to place their bets for 2016
Dallas Morning News (blog)
These two stories, not unrelated, have chewed up a lot of bandwidth this month. Clinton’s fans, and … Biden’s inner circle has been working vigorously to reach out to undecided donors, according to sources close to the Draft Biden Super PAC. A

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