All posts by Unrelated Donors - Google News


Allele expression levels may hold the key to graft-versus-host disease levels – 2 Minute Medicine

2 Minute Medicine

Allele expression levels may hold the key to graft-versus-host disease levels
2 Minute Medicine
Study Rundown: GVHD is a major obstacle in the successful hematopietic-cell transplantation of unrelated donors for the cure of blood disorders. GVHD can occur when HLA-matched donor cells recognize the recipient’s HLA cells. The rs2281389 variant has …


Perry’s cash-strapped 2016 campaign stops paying staffers – Junior College

Junior College

Perry’s cash-strapped 2016 campaign stops paying staffers
Junior College
Some Texas donors have been able to avoid giving to either candidate by saying they didn’t want to choose between their junior senator and ex-governor. “If you elect me … Dawson said that move was unrelated to any “financial discomfort”. “It could

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Vice President of Worcester Students’ Union donates stem cells to save life of … – ITV News

ITV News

Vice President of Worcester Students’ Union donates stem cells to save life of
ITV News
The Vice President of Worcester Students’ Union is donating his stem cells to save the life of a stranger, after his best friend beat Leukaemia. Lewis Arnold joined the stem cell donor register during a charity ball, hosted by his friend Samrick Singh