All posts by Unrelated Donors - Google News


Daily Kickoff: “I’ll be better for Israel than Obama” – Hillary | Wieseltier … – Jewish Journal

Daily Kickoff: “I’ll be better for Israel than Obama” – Hillary | Wieseltier
Jewish Journal
2016 WATCH: “Hillary Clinton to Jewish donors: “I’ll be better for Israel than Obama” by Kenneth P. Vogel and Tarini Parti: “Hillary Clinton is privately signaling to wealthy Jewish donors that — no matter the result of the Iranian nuclear

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The Feds Take Action against Crowdfunding Fraud, and It’s About Time! – The Nonprofit Quarterly

The Nonprofit Quarterly

The Feds Take Action against Crowdfunding Fraud, and It’s About Time!
The Nonprofit Quarterly
Chevalier eventually gave up on the game and promised to refund donors money, but never did. In fact, he had already used most of the money raised through Kickstarter on expenses unrelated to his Doom game. The FTC settlement with Chevalier made …