All posts by Unrelated Donors - Google News


How Andrew Cuomo Sold Out New York City Renters to a Pack of Wealthy … – The Nation.

The Nation.

How Andrew Cuomo Sold Out New York City Renters to a Pack of Wealthy
The Nation.
Legislators were able to pass only the least consequential items—like designating the wood frog the official state amphibian—while the major issues languished, destined to be rolled into yet another “big ugly” omnibus bill that smashes together

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The Senate Has Passed The Government’s Site-Blocking Bill; Here’s What That … – Junkee


The Senate Has Passed The Government’s Site-Blocking Bill; Here’s What That
“It gives the impression of having done something, and it directly answers to its cashed-up donors and lobbyists.” Describing it as a “second internet filter”, he also expounded on the way such legislation could be used as … this government to

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