All posts by Unrelated Donors - Google News


Breweries stiff-arm enviro group after Colowyo town beer boycott – The Colorado Statesman

Breweries stiff-arm enviro group after Colowyo town beer boycott
The Colorado Statesman
Like Ska’s Thibodeau, officials with several of the half-dozen breweries said it would be a stretch to describe them as WildEarth supporters, given that their involvement with the group has been minimal and unrelated to coal. Terry Usry, spokesman for

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Obama dines with Hollywood moguls – The Hill

The Hill

Obama dines with Hollywood moguls
The Hill
Spokesman Eric Schultz defended the decision not to put the meet-up on the president’s public schedule or inform the press pool, telling reporters aboard Air Force One it was “a private dinner with friends” that was “unrelated to his official
Obama Has Secret Dinner with Spielberg, KatzenbergWhite House Dossier

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TPA is resurrected, Jeb! and Trump announce, and does the GOP have an … – USAPP American Politics and Policy (blog)

USAPP American Politics and Policy (blog)

TPA is resurrected, Jeb! and Trump announce, and does the GOP have an
USAPP American Politics and Policy (blog)
Outside the Beltway says that 2012’s nominee and former Massachusetts Governor, Mitt Romney, is serving as a middle man between the candidates and big money donors to produce a more mainstream candidate that will avoid the ‘mayhem’ of his own race


Twin resignations in Twin Cities called ‘prudent move,’ ‘a painful process’ – National Catholic Reporter

National Catholic Reporter

Twin resignations in Twin Cities called ‘prudent move,’ ‘a painful process’
National Catholic Reporter
That investigation began in early 2014 after receiving an unrelated series of allegations. The archdiocese had not responded to questions from NCR about the Nienstedt investigation by Monday evening. Outside the investigations, Nienstedt’s resignation …

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