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Public Release: 8-Jun-2015 Diabetic researchers pinpoint gene key to … – EurekAlert (press release)

EurekAlert (press release)

Public Release: 8-Jun-2015 Diabetic researchers pinpoint gene key to
EurekAlert (press release)
Four of the students in Tessem’s nutritional science lab have Type 1 diabetes, the genetic version of the condition that is unrelated to diet and lifestyle. Two were diagnosed while on LDS missions, two were diagnosed on their birthdays, and all of

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Bone marrow registry comes of age, to expand donor base – Daily News & Analysis

Hindustan Times

Bone marrow registry comes of age, to expand donor base
Daily News & Analysis
Seeing the encouraging match ratio, the MDRI is now planning to increase its donor base. Dr Khattry also said: “The key reason for better unrelated donor match ratio is that India is genetically more homogenous when compared to other countries, which …
India’s first bone marrow registry matches 9 donors to transplant seekersHindustan Times
City bone marrow registry on global map, 2 young city donors save 2 patients NYOOOZ

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