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HomeCould Sheldon Adelson Empire Be Toppled by Lawsuit? – Jewish Daily Forward

Jewish Daily Forward

HomeCould Sheldon Adelson Empire Be Toppled by Lawsuit?
Jewish Daily Forward
Sheldon Adelson, the Las Vegas casino billionaire and prodigious conservative donor, spent last week testifying in a court hearing that could determine the future of his empire. Adelson’s testimony was part of a pre-trial hearing in a wrongful

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Obama Library in Chicago: Who’s Paying and How Many People Will Come? – DNAinfo


Obama Library in Chicago: Who’s Paying and How Many People Will Come?
Among the private donors so far are Chicago investment banker Michael Sacks and Fred Eychaner, a local media mogul who is a frequent contributor to Democratic candidates and liberal causes. Both have donated between $501,000 and $1 million. Once the

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Dean Skelos expected to step down Monday as state Senate GOP boss – New York Daily News

New York Daily News

Dean Skelos expected to step down Monday as state Senate GOP boss
New York Daily News
ALBANY — Monday is D-Day for embattled state Senate GOP Majority Leader Dean Skelos, who along with his son was arrested last week on federal corruption charges. Skelos (R-Nassau County) is expected to step down from his leadership post during a …

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Dean Skelos expected to step down as state Senate boss – New York Daily News

New York Daily News

Dean Skelos expected to step down as state Senate boss
New York Daily News
Also, a group of downstate Republican donors spoke Sunday and are privately backing Flanagan, the Senate Education Committee chairman, because of his “rock-solid, bulletproof support” for charter schools, one adviser to a member of the group said. One

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