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Murdoch Media Reach For ’90s Playbook: Criminalize The Clintons – Media Matters for America (blog)

Media Matters for America (blog)

Murdoch Media Reach For ’90s Playbook: Criminalize The Clintons
Media Matters for America (blog)
Hoping to take author Peter Schweizer’s fantastic claims of foreign donors buying influence, Murdoch media voices at Fox News, Wall Street Journal, New York Post and elsewhere want to create a churning culture of subpoenas, testimonies, and legal
Hoping to highlight good works, Clintons find controversy insteadSanta Fe New Mexican

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Hoping to highlight good works, Clintons find controversy instead – Washington Post

Hoping to highlight good works, Clintons find controversy instead
Washington Post
The oil company said its decision was unrelated to recent scrutiny of the foundation, but this is the first year it has not been a sponsor since 2009. … “This donation is an example of a blatant conflict of interest” for the Clintons, Pitts said in a
Clintons court controversy with charity foundation event in MoroccoBrisbane Times

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Three-way kidney swap shortens wait for Yakima patient – Yakima Herald-Republic

Yakima Herald-Republic

Three-way kidney swap shortens wait for Yakima patient
Yakima Herald-Republic
Of the approximately 6,000 live-donor kidney transplants that occur in the U.S. each year, fewer than 600 are unrelated paired donations, UNOS figures show. Paired exchanges aren’t completely new in Washington state, where 36 such swaps have been …

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