All posts by Unrelated Donors - Google News


Imagine ‘Gay Marriage Reparations’ – American Thinker

Miami Herald

Imagine ‘Gay Marriage Reparations’
American Thinker
While this is true for children conceived by genetic donors and raised in heterosexual homes, only the children raised by gay couples were forced by the state to live in segregated domestic spaces. “Separate but equal” has gone through its ups and
Actual US Supreme Court briefs show the desperation of same-sex marriage Quartz
Ten things you need to know about the Supreme Court’s gay ‘marriage’ case this Lifesite

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Archive: Second Lyme death in Dutchess still pending tests – Poughkeepsie Journal

Poughkeepsie Journal

Archive: Second Lyme death in Dutchess still pending tests
Poughkeepsie Journal
One of the three transplant recipients died of what the CDC report said was “unrelated causes” before being informed the donor was infected. However, no blood or tissue from the recipient was available, the article noted, which would have allowed for …

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Novel cell therapy from ‘naïve’ cells recognizes, attacks high-risk viruses – (blog) (blog)

Novel cell therapy from ‘naïve’ cells recognizes, attacks high-risk viruses (blog)
“There are some patients, such as those with inherited immunodeficiencies, where we prefer to use cord blood because it is available more quickly than an unrelated donor.” In the study, they also identify a way to expand specialized T cells against CMV


TCNJ football sponsors Get in the Game, Save a Life program – The College of New Jersey Athletics

TCNJ football sponsors Get in the Game, Save a Life program
The College of New Jersey Athletics
Over the past 25 years, Be The Match®, operated by the National Marrow Donor Program® (NMDP), has managed the largest and most diverse marrow registry in the world. They provide marrow transplants in the United States from volunteer unrelated …


Overview of the Management of Clostridium difficile Infections – Gastroenterology & Endoscopy News

Gastroenterology & Endoscopy News

Overview of the Management of Clostridium difficile Infections
Gastroenterology & Endoscopy News
58 More recently, Youngster et al conducted an open-label, randomized, controlled pilot study using frozen inoculum from unrelated donors. 59 Overall cure rate was 90% at 8 weeks. North York General Hospital in Toronto, Canada, has begun offering …