All posts by Unrelated Donors - Google News


Low blood lymphocyte count at 30 days post transplant predicts worse acute … –

Low blood lymphocyte count at 30 days post transplant predicts worse acute
Pretransplant factors associated with lower ALC30 were: unrelated donors; HLA mismatch; older donors; lower recipient age; and lower CD34+ cell dose. In this large retrospective study, ALC30 less than or equal to 400 × 106/L was associated with worse


Children’s Traffic-Safety Risk: Failing to See the Unexpected – Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

Children’s Traffic-Safety Risk: Failing to See the Unexpected
Wall Street Journal
Inattentional blindness is unrelated to vision. Researchers in Germany recruited 480 schoolchildren—about the same number of each age from 8 to 15 years old. The children … Anxious donors: Fear of giving blood triggers an unusual stress reaction