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Frederick National Lab’s new partnership aims to improve outcomes … – Frederick News Post

Frederick News Post

Frederick National Lab’s new partnership aims to improve outcomes …
Frederick News Post
Stem cell transplantation can be a lifesaving treatment for patients with blood disorders. It’s also a complicated form of medicine. Successful transplants often depend on patients and donors being histocompatible,

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Philippines Withdraws Bid for US Grant, Says Unrelated to Rights – U.S. News & World Report

U.S. News & World Report

Philippines Withdraws Bid for US Grant, Says Unrelated to Rights
U.S. News & World Report
The issue of aid has been contentious in the Philippines of late, with President Rodrigo Duterte objecting to donors attaching conditions to their help, and especially to any expressions of concern about human rights. Nearly 4,000 people have been

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India’s laws on organ transplants do little to protect rights of organ donors –

India’s laws on organ transplants do little to protect rights of organ donors
At a recent meeting of doctors, legal experts, activists and a government representative, on possible changes to the Transplantation of Human Organs Act, most people agreed that donors often agree to transplant procedures due to coercion or a dire need

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India’s laws on organ transplants do little to protect rights of organ donors –

India’s laws on organ transplants do little to protect rights of organ donors
An unrelated donor has to be vetted by a state government appointed committee. Any kind of organ trade, involving money or other remuneration, is illegal. However, as many organ donation rackets that have been unearthed in India have shown, patients

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Immunotherapy drug nearly eliminates severe acute graft-versus … – Science Daily

Lymphoma News Today

Immunotherapy drug nearly eliminates severe acute graft-versus …
Science Daily
Results from a phase 2 clinical trial, presented by Seattle Children’s Research Institute at the 59th American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting, show that the drug Abatacept (Orencia) nearly eliminated life-threatening severe acute graft
Orencia Prevented Graft-Versus-Host Disease After Stem Cell …Immuno-Oncology News

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