All posts by Unrelated Donors - Google News


Inside the charity network that has helped wealthy donors get big tax breaks – and their donations back – The Globe and Mail

The Globe and Mail

Inside the charity network that has helped wealthy donors get big tax breaks – and their donations back
The Globe and Mail
In specific cases going back a decade, the Vancouver-based charitable foundation “merely acted as a conduit” to provide tax relief to its donors, according to the Canada Revenue Agency. Federal …. In audit documents, the CRA criticized Mr. Bromley


Inside the charity network that has helped wealthy donors get big tax breaks – and their donations back – The Globe and Mail

The Globe and Mail

Inside the charity network that has helped wealthy donors get big tax breaks – and their donations back
The Globe and Mail
In specific cases going back a decade, the Vancouver-based charitable foundation “merely acted as a conduit” to provide tax relief to its donors, according to the Canada Revenue Agency. Federal …. In audit documents, the CRA criticized Mr. Bromley


A Move to Help Organ Donors with Financial Support and Job Security – NJ Spotlight

NJ Spotlight

A Move to Help Organ Donors with Financial Support and Job Security
NJ Spotlight
In addition, it would also guarantee that the donor would be able to get his or her same job back, with the same responsibilities, pay and benefits — or equivalent status — unless that job had been eliminated due to reasons unrelated to their disability.


Salem charity cleared of any ‘intentional wrongdoing’ after Attorney General’s review – The Union Leader

Salem charity cleared of any ‘intentional wrongdoing’ after Attorney General’s review
The Union Leader
SALEM — After reviewing updated tax filings, the New Hampshire Attorney General’s office has given We Care Charity, which had been accused of embezzlement and other questionable accounting practices, the green light to continue operating in good …

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