All posts by Unrelated Donors - Google News


New potential donors…including popular rabbi – J-Wire Jewish Australian News Service

J-Wire Jewish Australian News Service

New potential donors…including popular rabbi
J-Wire Jewish Australian News Service
Only 1 in 3 blood cancer patients find a match in their own family and the other 70% must find a match within their own community who are tested on the unrelated worldwide stem cell and bone marrow donor registries.Gift of Life Australia co-founded by


Reports reveal tobacco industry lobbying, election spending as Legislature considers tobacco tax cut – Minneapolis Star Tribune

Reports reveal tobacco industry lobbying, election spending as Legislature considers tobacco tax cut
Minneapolis Star Tribune
Rouleau emphasized that the Jobs Coalition does not lobby and has a broad coalition of donors who seek to “further policies that lead to job creation and a better economic future for Minnesotans.” The disclosures — a requirement of the 1998 tobacco