
LifeSouth Blood Center in Marion County, asking for blood … – WCJB – WCJB


LifeSouth Blood Center in Marion County, asking for blood … – WCJB
As hurricane Irma approaches, blood centers in North Central Florida say they’re seeing a drop in donations. People with the life South Blood Center in Marion …
Blood donors needed as threat of hurricane loomsFort Myers Beach Observer
Suncoast asks for donations ahead of Hurricane Irma | Bradenton …Bradenton Herald

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Prejudice in blood donation sucks, but Canadian Blood Services isn’t the source – The Peak

The Peak

Prejudice in blood donation sucks, but Canadian Blood Services isn’t the source
The Peak
As blood shortages become a recurring problem for Canadian Blood Services, their relationship with non-straight donors is called into further question. We know the controversy: restrictions against sexually active gay men donating blood. Last year


Union fails to win paid leave for workers to donate blood – The Australian

The Australian

Union fails to win paid leave for workers to donate blood
The Australian
The commission said the donation of blood was a socially beneficial activity, and granting the claim would likely result in more blood donations. But it said the commission did not have general discretion to include provisions in modern awards based on
There’s Only One Day’s Supply Of The Universal Blood Type LeftJunkee
Australian Red Cross says they still desperately need O-negative blood donorsdailytelegraph.com.au
Red Cross, KAT Host Thursday Blood DriveOakdale Leader
The Herald Argus –McPherson Sentinel –Goulburn Post
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