
Blood donations needed as summer comes to a close – KFVS

KUTV 2News

Blood donations needed as summer comes to a close
(KFVS) -. The American Red Cross is urging people to donate blood in the final weeks of summer in an effort to overcome a chronic summer shortage. As the summer comes to a close, regular donors may delay donating due to vacations and back-to-school …
Tom’s selfless act of generosity – 400 blood donationsNew Zealand Herald
Blood donations needed to overcome summer shortageSouthwest Times
Donate Blood, Save Lives and Get Free StuffKUTV 2News
WTNH Connecticut News (press release) –WTVM –American Red Cross
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CESC hosts blood donation programme – Millennium Post

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Blood donation camp organised – E-Pao.net

Blood donation camp organisedE-Pao.netImphal, August 05 2017: Marking its 38th foundation day, Young Voluntary Organisation organised a voluntary blood donation camp at Wangkhei community hall , Imphal East district today. The blood donation camp was o…


IIM Sirmaur organizes blood donation camp – Daily Excelsior

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He got a blood transfusion as a baby. He donated 100 gallons of blood in return – Miami Herald

He got a blood transfusion as a baby. He donated 100 gallons of blood in return
Miami Herald
Perez’s father passed away last year, but the 57-year-old still keeps in touch with the blood donor, who he said has filled the void of his dad’s passing. For Perez, making the time for a blood donation is easy — and vital for those who need it. “If


Lack of blood donations state wide, southern Utah worst it’s been in years – KUTV 2News

KUTV 2News

Lack of blood donations state wide, southern Utah worst it’s been in years
KUTV 2News
“You look at it that way those one hundred units now equate to possibly 300 lost blood products lost.” Brown said. 2News spoke to some people who were donating their time and blood, to hear why it’s so important and to learn more about this blood

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