
You Can Have Input on the FDA’s Blood Donation Policy | Advocate … – Advocate.com


You Can Have Input on the FDA’s Blood Donation Policy | Advocate …
The agency is taking comments online through Friday about a policy that would assess donors on risk factors for HIV rather than their sexual identity.
FDA must alter its blood donation policy | TheHillThe Hill (blog)
FDA policy on blood donations by gay and bisexual men must end …Metro.us

all 4 news articles »


End the outdated, unscientific restrictions on gay blood donors – Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times

End the outdated, unscientific restrictions on gay blood donors
Los Angeles Times
More than 30 years ago, as the AIDS epidemic exploded, the nation’s blood banks banned donations from men who had sex with other men. The logic was sound at the time. Tests of the era couldn’t adequately detect HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
E-blood bank system to be launched todayTimes of India
Educate to eradicate AidsTimes of Malta

all 1,405 news articles »


Blood donors at LifeShare can provide an extra gift to hospitalized children this December – Monroe News Star

Blood donors at LifeShare can provide an extra gift to hospitalized children this December
Monroe News Star
Anyone donating blood at a LifeShare center now through December 10 has an opportunity to send a special message that will be attached to a stuffed animal and given to a child in the hospital later this December. LifeShare’s Monroe location is at 2909 …


NYC To FDA: End Restriction On Blood Donations From Men Who Have Sex With Men – CBS Local

CBS Local

NYC To FDA: End Restriction On Blood Donations From Men Who Have Sex With Men
CBS Local
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — The New York City Department of Health & Mental Hygiene is asking the Food and Drug Administration to change its policy on accepting blood donations from men who engage in sexual activity with other men. Under current …