Blood drives offer multiple opportunities to give the gift of life in west Kentucky – WPSD Local 6
Blood drives offer multiple opportunities to give the gift of life in west Kentucky WPSD Local 6
Blood drives offer multiple opportunities to give the gift of life in west Kentucky WPSD Local 6
Secondary school pupils to learn about blood, organ and stem cell donation NewsChain
Readers Write: Giving blood, climate science Minneapolis Star Tribune
The Red Cross clarifies eligibility of vaccinated donors Record Delta
Al-Sayer partners with TrashHero Kuwait for blood donation Kuwait Times
Defence blood donation appeal 2021 officially underway Defence Connect
Help for Hurricane Ida victims: What not to donate in wake of Hurricane Ida devastation WTVD-TV
Cancer survivor asks everyone who is able to give blood KTVZ
Police set up blood donation camps The Nation
Villages Parrot Head Club to hold two-day blood collection in honor of 9/11 Villages-News