
When organ donation relies on Facebook, something is wrong – The Globe and Mail

The Globe and Mail

When organ donation relies on Facebook, something is wrong
The Globe and Mail
That some Canadians are turning to social media in search of donors indicates the troubled state of organ donation in this country. The deceased donation The primary motive for becoming an organ donor is to help someone else. One donor’s generosity 
Website to be launched on Jan 26 to promote organ donationIBNLive

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Harsh cold causes blood donation decline in some areas – Centre Daily Times


Harsh cold causes blood donation decline in some areas
Centre Daily Times
has not had any cancellations in the past week. The nearest blood donation drive closure was Tuesday in Frenchville, Clearfield County, she said. That drive has not yet been rescheduled date, but an additional blood drive was scheduled in nearby
Make regular blood donation a 2014 New Year’s resolutionKokomo Perspective
Blood DonationPresspubs
Red Cross calls for blood and platelet donations after severe winter weather Cache Valley Daily
Tech in Asia –LimaOhio.com –1011now
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