
Replenishing sources: NED University hosts Indus Hospital blood donation camp – The Express Tribune

The Express Tribune

Replenishing sources: NED University hosts Indus Hospital blood donation camp
The Express Tribune
KARACHI: NED University of Engineering and Technology became the latest venue for the Indus Hospital blood drive on Tuesday as it makes its rounds in the city. “Our mission is to mobilise the nation towards 100 per cent voluntary blood donation


Churches asked to become blood and organ 'donor churches' – ChristianToday


Churches asked to become blood and organ ‘donor churches’
Churches up and down the UK have been challenged to become ‘donor churches’ and encourage blood and organ donation in their communities through a new campaign. The call has gone out from NHS Blood and Transplant as part of its ongoing 
‘About time’ on organ donationNews North Wales
VIDEO: Campaign boosts donor numbers by 2000Shields Gazette
Sheffield mum given gift of life urges people to sign upThe Star
Nottingham Post –Lancashire Telegraph
all 10 news articles »

'About time' on organ donation – News North Wales

Blackburn Citizen

‘About time’ on organ donation
News North Wales
Mark Drakeford, Welsh Government Health Minister, said: “In Wales, more than 250 lives are ‘on a clock’ waiting for an organ donor, living in the hope that time does not run out for them and a donor is found. “We are changing the law on organ donation
Sheffield mum given gift of life urges people to sign upThe Star
Charmaine Buss: Success of campaign was highlight of yearNottingham Post
Lancashire medics in plea for new organ donorsLancashire Telegraph

all 6 news articles »


West Java needs to intensify its province-wide eyeball donation campaign to … – Jakarta Post

West Java needs to intensify its province-wide eyeball donation campaign to
Jakarta Post
Many, she continued, thought that donating organs and body parts after death was against their religion. “We need to educate the people on the “The remaining surgeries used donated corneas from other countries,” he said, adding that cornea donation