
Nurses, Family Bond Online as Iranian Dies in US – The New Indian Express

The New Indian Express

Nurses, Family Bond Online as Iranian Dies in US
The New Indian Express
The family’s faith in the hospital staff led to consent for an extraordinary donation: Nezami’s heart, lungs and other life-saving organs were transplanted to seven people in the U.S., a remarkable gift that occurs in less than 1 per cent of all cases

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Technology helps family in Iran be near dying woman in Michigan – The Seattle Times

The New Indian Express

Technology helps family in Iran be near dying woman in Michigan
The Seattle Times
Sanaz Nezami’s family’s faith in hospital staff led to consent for an extraordinary donation: Her heart, lungs and other lifesaving organs were transplanted into seven people in the United States. By ED WHITE. The Associated Press. PREV of NEXT. This
Nurses, Family Bond Online as Iranian Dies in USThe New Indian Express

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Blood donation event Thursday at Patriot Place – Easton Journal

TopNews New Zealand

Blood donation event Thursday at Patriot Place
Easton Journal
Dunkin’ Donuts is hosting an American Red Cross “Give a Pint, Get a Pound” kick-off blood drive event on Thursday, Jan. 2, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Patriot Place Activity Center. All blood donors will be entered to win one of four pairs of
Every Blood Donation can Save 3 LivesTopNews New Zealand
Make a resolution to be a blood donorWayne Independent
Red Cross sets blood drive Jan. 9WoodwardNews.net (subscription)
Citizens Voice –PennLive.com
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Natural earth burials and organ donation: think about it – Lexology (registration)

Hemel Gazette

Natural earth burials and organ donation: think about it
Lexology (registration)
Two items to consider when you’re (finally) doing your estate planning are how you wish to be buried, and whether you wish to be an organ donor. Natural Earth Burials. Traditionally, most people choose to either be cremated or buried in a coffin when
Pharmacists, Students Improve Organ Donation RatesPharmacy Practice News
Posthumous awards for Norfolk and Waveney organ donors who gave the Norfolk Eastern Daily Press
800 on waiting list to get organ transplantexpressandstar.com
Yorkshire Post –Hemel Gazette –Dewsbury Reporter
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