
ND drive organizers look to sign up most organ donors in 8 hours – Grand Forks Herald

ND drive organizers look to sign up most organ donors in 8 hours
Grand Forks Herald
The West Fargo woman leads the “Give to Live” challenge drive to sign up more than 4,135 people as organ donors in North Dakota in eight hours. By: Helmut Schmidt, Forum 1, 2013, at Dharmsinh Desai University in Gujarat, India. Funding for the

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Ohio delays inmate's execution over organ donation – Record-Searchlight

NBCNews.com (blog)

Ohio delays inmate’s execution over organ donation
FILE – This undated file photo provided by the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction shows Ronald Phillips. Ronald Phillips, 40, was scheduled to be put to death Thursday Nov. 14, 2013 with a lethal injection of a two-drug combination not
One death row inmate supporting another in organ-donation fightNBCNews.com (blog)
Organ donation on death row raises questionsThe Japan Times
Death row organ donation raises ethical questionsWKSU News
Las Vegas Sun –The Guardian –Gawker
all 26 news articles »

'Give to Live' shoots for world record by signing up most organ donors in 8 hours – In-Forum

‘Give to Live’ shoots for world record by signing up most organ donors in 8 hours
To do that, Monica, her husband, Loren, and a couple hundred volunteers will have to process every new organ donor’s paperwork in less than 7 seconds – at least eight a minute. 1, 2013, at Dharmsinh Desai University in Gujarat, India. Funding for

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US death row inmate's wish to donate kidney, heart sparks debate on ethics – Indian Express

US death row inmate’s wish to donate kidney, heart sparks debate on ethics
Indian Express
Some medical experts and others warn that execution chemicals could render organs unusable. They are also deeply disturbed by the prospect of death row inmates donating organs, even if can ease shortages so severe that patients die while on the waiting 

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