
82% support in organ donor consultation – U.TV

BBC News

82% support in organ donor consultation
Commenting on the feedback, the Upper Bann MLA said: “I am absolutely delighted that 1,366 local people and organisations took the time to respond to my organ donation consultation. “Overall 82% supported the need for a change in the law and for a new 
82% ‘support organ donation changes’BBC News
Support and awareness on the rise for organ donation changesFree Press Series
Awareness and support for new organ donation law growing in South East WalesCaerphilly Observer
Daily News & Analysis
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82% 'support organ donation changes' – BBC News

BBC News

82% ‘support organ donation changes’
BBC News
“As chair of the All Party Group on Organ Donation I am pleased that the issue has been raised and debated regularly at our meetings and that opportunity has been afforded to those in favour, as well as those who hold reservations towards a soft opt
Support and awareness on the rise for organ donation changesFree Press Series
Awareness and support for new organ donation law growing in South East WalesCaerphilly Observer
Spanish lessons for Mumbai doctors on cadaver organ transplantationDaily News & Analysis

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Taking Care: Saving lives through blood donation – TCPalm


Taking Care: Saving lives through blood donation
Donating blood is one of the easiest ways to make an impact on someone’s life; one blood donation can save the lives of up to three people. According to the American Red Cross, there are more than 41,000 blood donations needed every day. Although the 
9 things to know about the blood donation processWCPO
Steele County Red Cross recommends increased iron intake prior to blood Southernminn.com
American Red Cross and Suburban Propane aim to increase blood donationsMoultrie News
El Estándar
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