
Hundreds die in India for lack of organs (August 6 is Organ Donation Day) – Newstrack India

Daily News & Analysis

Hundreds die in India for lack of organs (August 6 is Organ Donation Day)
Newstrack India
New Delhi, Aug 5 (IANS) Neera Yadav (name changed), a 20-year old college student suffering from an end-stage renal disease, was in desperate need of a kidney transplant. Though her parents went from pillar to post, they could not find a donor for her
Cops delay organ donationDeccan Chronicle

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Phuket Red Cross gets new blood donation bus – The Phuket News


Phuket Red Cross gets new blood donation bus
The Phuket News
Phuket Red Cross gets new blood donation bus. PHUKET: The Phuket Red Cross is organising a celebration to mark the arrival of a new mobile blood donation centre – a fully equipped bus donated by the Siam Commercial Bank.
Red Cross Blood Drive in Memory of Zack MayoIsland Gazette
Blood Drives Coming to County Over Next Few WeeksSun Gazette

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Doctors, NGO to create public awareness on organ donation – Times of India

Press Herald

Doctors, NGO to create public awareness on organ donation
Times of India
JAIPUR: Rajasthan is one of the states which are lagging much behind in organ donation. To make the people aware of organ donation and its advantages, doctors of the Sawai Man Singh hospital, members of Kidney Care Society of India and various other 
‘Patient’s kin hesitant of organ donation due to lack of awareness, mythsHindustan Times
Organ donation still not popular in cityIndian Express
Organ Recipient Speaks About the Importance of Organ DonationFox 2 KFXV
Gant Daily –Press Herald –NorthJersey.com
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