
Bay Area mayor's blood donation rejected because he's gay – KTVU San Francisco

Opposing Views

Bay Area mayor’s blood donation rejected because he’s gay
KTVU San Francisco
The mayor of Campbell walked into a blood drive Wednesday to try and donate his blood, but he was rejected because he is openly gay. A Red Cross Blood Drive in Campbell, which started at noon, was organized because there was a reported shortage of 
Red Cross breaks blood donation record in Jefferson CityABC17News.com
California Mayor Evan Low’s Blood Donation Rejected Because He’s GayOpposing Views
Blood Donations Decrease; Supply Dangerously LowNBC4i.com
Huffington Post –San Jose Inside (blog) –VietNamNet Bridge
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California mayor's blood donation rejected because he's gay – FOX43.com

NBC Bay Area

California mayor’s blood donation rejected because he’s gay
FOX43 WPMT Morning News Live! Home · Morning · Morning. California mayor’s blood donation rejected because he’s gay. See bio, contact info, and more articles from Courtney Laydon. 58 mins ago by Courtney Laydon Morning News Anchor. 55530No 
Red Cross breaks blood donation record in Jefferson CityABC17News.com
Campbell Mayor to Host Blood Drive that Bans Him, Other Gay MenSan Jose Inside (blog)
Blood drive raises nearly 6000 litresVietNamNet Bridge
Crossville Chronicle –Foothills Focus –Patch.com
all 65 news articles »