
Experts: Obamacare will lead to massive spying on U.S. health records – Daily Caller

Daily Caller

Experts: Obamacare will lead to massive spying on U.S. health records
Daily Caller
The federal government may be one step closer to keeping tabs on consumers’ health care information with a new data hub compiling personal information from a host of government agencies and newly collected health status information. Some experts warn 


He's counting down: Obama mentions how many days he has left in office for … – Daily Caller

Daily Caller

He’s counting down: Obama mentions how many days he has left in office for
Daily Caller
He’s definitely thinking about his post-presidency, too, the Chicago Sun-Times reported Wednesday. Obama’s already asked his advisers to search for a location for his presidential library, the paper reports. At press time, Obama has 1,275 days and 10


Retired Ithaca Teacher Raises Awareness of Organ Donation – University of Rochester Newsroom

University of Rochester Newsroom

Retired Ithaca Teacher Raises Awareness of Organ Donation
University of Rochester Newsroom
Fred and Linda Knewstub live in Trumansburg, near Ithaca. Retired Ithaca schoolteacher Fred Knewstub is still working to educate people; this time about the importance of organ donation. It’s an issue close to his heart, or more accurately, involves


HSSD WILL look at organ donor 'opt-out' issue – Guernsey Press and Star (subscription)

Guernsey Press and Star (subscription)

HSSD WILL look at organ donor ‘opt-out’ issue
Guernsey Press and Star (subscription)
A CAMPAIGNER for an ‘opt-out’ organ donor system says Health and Social Services will look into the scheme. Speaking after receiving answers to his questions to HSSD on the subject, Deputy Matt Fallaize, pictured, said the department’s response shows