
Two decades after Canada's tainted-blood inquiry, new blood donation rules … – Vancouver Sun

Vancouver Sun

Two decades after Canada’s tainted-blood inquiry, new blood donation rules
Vancouver Sun
MONTREAL – A new blood-donation policy came into effect across Canada on Monday, officially nixing the lifelong ban that prevented men who have had sex with men from giving blood. Canadian Blood Services and HEMA-Quebec — which oversee 
20 years after tainted-blood inquiry, new blood donation rules take effectYahoo! News Canada
Health benefits of donating bloodJamaica Gleaner

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NHS Reveals Plan to Increase Organ Donation to 25% by 2020 – TopNews Arab Emirates

TopNews Arab Emirates

NHS Reveals Plan to Increase Organ Donation to 25% by 2020
TopNews Arab Emirates
The plans are good news for people, who are in waiting list for organ donation. It is learnt at present the families of deceased have a final say whether they want to donate organs or not. Family’s opinion is considered important even if deceased
New organ donor memorial at Airedale HospitalIlkley Gazette
Letter from Sen. Harsdorf: Saving lives through organ donationPierce County Herald
Local boy celebrates 10-year anniversary of organ transplantFox 59
Newbury Weekly News Group –Redditch Standard
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