
John clocks up blood donation number 400 – Illawarra Mercury

KXRO Newsradio

John clocks up blood donation number 400
Illawarra Mercury
Blood donation saved John Williams’ life and he has saved countless others after clocking up more than 400 donations over the past four decades. The Horsley resident was just 20 when he received a life-saving blood transfusion during open-heart surgery
Blood Donation Reduces your Risk of Heart Disease and CancerGuardian Express
EDITORIAL: Blood donation is an important duty for anyone who expects such nwitimes.com
Take a break this summer to give life-saving bloodThe Tennessean
Muscatine Journal –Indiana Public Media –Southeast Missourian
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BMA backs 'opt-out' organ donation scheme – GP online

BMA backs ‘opt-out’ organ donation scheme
GP online
‘There has been welcome progress in the number of people signing up to the Organ Donor Register and donation rates, but despite this rise, there are still many people in Scotland waiting for an organ transplant,’ he said. ‘Some of these people will die
Opt-out organ donation in Wales: a model for Australia?HealthCanal.com
Dalton man waiting for new kidney backs donation rule changesNW Evening Mail
Why hold up organ opt-out?Herald Scotland

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Opt-out organ donation in Wales: a model for Australia? – HealthCanal.com


Opt-out organ donation in Wales: a model for Australia?
And is it one that Australia should consider following? By way of context, Australia currently has very low organ donation rates by world standards (13.8 donors per million population according to 2010 data), trailing at least 22 other countries
BMA backs ‘opt-out’ organ donation schemeGP online
Organ donation: Scotland should ‘consider opt-out’Scotsman
Gosport MP urges people to sign up to NHS organ donor registerDaily Echo
Buckinghamshireexaminer –Express.co.uk –Herald Scotland
all 39 news articles »

Team banding together to promote organ donation – This is Plymouth

This is Plymouth

Team banding together to promote organ donation
This is Plymouth
This year the campaign aims to encourage more people than ever before to join the NHS Organ Donor Register and to talk to their close family and friends about their donation wishes. And the team are backing their calls. The wristbands, which are red
Stretford and Urmston MP helps to raise awareness of organ donation for Messenger Newspapers
I’m an organ donor, see my wristbandTelegraph.co.uk
Gosport MP urges people to sign up to NHS organ donor registerDaily Echo
The Star –Scotsman –BBC News
all 35 news articles »