
Gay rights advocates call for end to blood donation ban – KGET 17

Kennebec Journal

Gay rights advocates call for end to blood donation ban
BAKERSFIELD, CA – Local gay rights advocates joined a national movement Friday to give homosexual and bisexual men the right to donate blood. They’ve been banned for life to donate since 1983 by the Food and Drug Administration. Demonstrators 
Gay man’s Portland blood donation fails againKennebec Journal
Gay men protest blood donation bankgw.com
BLOOD DONATION: Demonstrating Gay Men Banwhotv.com
WRTV Indianapolis –Indianapolis Star
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Heart transplant recipient makes organ donation her mission – Las Vegas Review-Journal

Las Vegas Review-Journal

Heart transplant recipient makes organ donation her mission
Las Vegas Review-Journal
Back in the hospital, she was put her on the organ donor waiting list. “You have a mixed bag of emotions,” she said. “You need an organ to live, but you know someone’s going to have to die in order for that to happen. I came to the resolve that people


Gay men protest blood donation ban – kgw.com

Dixie Press Online

Gay men protest blood donation ban
PORTLAND – Protesters around the country Thursday demonstrated against a ban that prohibits gay men from donating blood. In the mid-1980s the FDA banned gay men from giving blood in order to lessen the spread of diseases. The LGBT community has 
Gay men plan protest Friday against blood donation banIndianapolis Star
Gay Men Plan Blood Donation ProtestKaiser Health News
Blood donation restrictions, trends; ‘gay ban’ is not the only banDixie Press Online
KCRG –WRTV Indianapolis
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